Critical Repair and Healthy Homes Program

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newark

Our Critical Repair Program was established in 2012 as a response to the tremendous damage caused by Hurricane Sandy. This program aims to assist low to moderate-income seniors and veterans throughout Essex, Hudson and Union counties by providing critical repairs, weatherization and home preservation services to create and maintain healthy, comfortable and safe homes.

Improve Your Health and Save on Utility Costs

The three main criteria for qualifying for critical repairs assistance is comprised of the following – demonstrating the need, demonstrating responsible homeownership and willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity. Demonstrating the need consists of providing proof of critical home repairs needed that are endangering the health and safety of the household residents; no renovations or cosmetic repairs will be approved. Responsible homeownership refers to the requirement for all applicants to submit an application complete with required documentation, of homeowner income information and expenses paid on a timely basis, for Habitat to determine if they are income eligible with a maximum of 80% AMI. Willingness to partner is defined as an applicant’s acceptance to provide all information needed to complete an application, consistent communication throughout the process and cooperation with Habitat to promote the program to assist more families.

PSE&G Customers

If you’re a low-to-moderate-income PSEG customer, you may qualify for critical repairs and weatherization through the Comfort Partners program! Comfort Partners representatives, together with Habitat of Greater Newark contractors and volunteers, will install energy saving home improvements to lower your energy costs and improve your health, safety, and comfort. Such improvements may include measures such as added insulation, caulking, weatherstripping, energy-saving showerheads and light bulbs – all at no cost to you. All work is guaranteed for one year.

Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones From Fire

This program provides and installs free smoke alarms for homeowners in Essex, Hudson, and Union counties as well as in apartment buildings with no more than 4 units. Interested individuals should call 973-624-3330 ext. 103 or email to make an appointment. This free service is courtesy of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newark’s partnership with the American Red Cross and the Home Fire Campaign.

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