Homeownership Program

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newark

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newark’s first-time homeownership program gives families an opportunity to purchase homes we have renovated or built from the ground up. Habitat is able to sell these homes at or below cost to qualified partner families thanks to volunteer labor, the support of the families with whom we partner and sponsors. Depending on availability, applicants can inquire about our housing options throughout Essex, Hudson and Union counties and attend an orientation as the first step in the application process. There are three main criteria for qualifying a partner family, which consist of – proof of the need for housing, proof of ability to be a responsible homeowner and willingness to partner with Habitat.

Homeowner partner selection is limited to first-time homebuyers. Demonstrating the need for housing includes situations from conditions that are physically inadequate, unsafe, overcrowded, expensive or any other applicable local factor. Proof of ability to be a responsible homeowner refers to a family’s ability to demonstrate they can be responsible with their finances to make monthly mortgage payments and stay up to date with the costs directly associated with owning a home. Willingness to partner with Habitat consists of families completing a required minimum 200 hours of sweat equity, completion and return of all application documents and requirements in a timely manner, and cooperation to assist promoting the program to inform other families of Habitat’s services.

Qualification Chart For Homeownership Program

To Learn More About Our Programs, please contact our Family Services Coordinator at gbernal@habitatnewark.org or call 973-624-3330 x103